Back I Am

So I’m not sure if anyone has kept looking @ this now defunct blog, but seeing as I linked this to my Facebook page I figure I’ll start posting once again 🙂

My fertile mind has a few blog posts already in the works, so look for at least 3 blog postings per week as I once again embed my thoughts onto this digital canvas.

Blessings & Peace,

6 thoughts on “Back I Am

  1. Hugo says:

    I’ll have to make time to catch up with everyone’s postings 🙂

  2. Kc says:

    I’m not sure if you’ve kept up with him but Pecheur is still around and Corry too. I know both will be tickled to hear you’re posting again.

    I still miss Mat though. 🙁

  3. Hugo says:

    KC! 🙂 Long time no . . . read? write? Glad to see you're still around – I don't feel so lonely in here now 🙂

    Jaime: I promise not to hurt you again 🙂

    Blessings & Peace,

  4. Jaime says:

    oh sure, I’ve believed that before and just be left wanting and hurt….

    I’ve seen the ENTIRE INTERNET, looking forward to your new additions

  5. Kc says:

    “So I’m not sure if anyone has kept looking @ this now defunct blog…”

    It seems that there are the few, the proud, the ugly that just won’t go away. 😉

    Welcome back!

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